
African Development


We are here for Africa sensitization of African population and diaspora into becoming entrepreneurs 

African Development of business organisation 

Develop an entrepeneurs business for africa Support and provide financing to entrepreneurs who want to set up in Africa

Train and retrain new entrepeuneurs to give them the tools to meet current challenges

Entrepreneurship Development

The benefits of entrepreneurship development
Developing countries can benefit from many opportunities through entrepreneurship development. Entrepreneurship can help developing countries diversify their economies, create jobs and provide quality public and social services. It can also help promote innovation and improve access to technology and infrastructure.

In addition, entrepreneurship development can help create and maintain safe and efficient supply chains, foster understanding between different communities, and even reduce crime and combat recidivism by attracting young people to turn to entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship can provide developing countries not only with new employment opportunities, but also with new sources of income and the possibility of stimulating private investment. More profitable businesses can also mean higher returns on investment and a higher standard of living for locals, which translates into higher goods and services for the population.

Facing challenges

For entrepreneurship to strongly impact Africa’s economy, governments must tackle some of the greatest challenges that impede its progress, including lack of funds, relevant mentorship and poor government policies. In addition, African governments should consider giving the private sector incentives through tax relief to create more jobs. Laws and regulations should favour entrepreneurs.

Mr. Mohammed says Africa is on the right path. But to reap the fruits of entrepreneurship, effective strategies and policies are required to create more employment opportunities within small and medium enterprises.  

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.