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The price for membership is $25.00 now.

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Who are we?

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Our Mission

MANSAH AFRICA.. mission is to: 

- To encourage African population and the diaspora in entrepreneurship

-Develop entrepeneurs networking for Africa

-Develop an entrepeneurs business for africa

-Support and provide financing to new entrepreneurs who want to settle in Africa

-Train and retrain new entrepeuneurs to give them the tools to meet current challenges

Our Story

In spring 2020, Mansah Africa launched its series of online training and networking events connecting young changemakers, entrepreneurs and industry leaders in Africa and the diaspora. The timing was perfect. People were forced to stay at home due to the pandemic, so more people from both continents were able to attend. However, it wasn’t just a matter of luck.

Many dots had to be connected well before the events began in order to bring the Mansah Africa concept to life. To understand how Mansah Africa started, you have to go back to the time when the whole world was plunged into lockdown due to covid-19. the African economy was undergoing chaos, the players had less experienced solutions, strong companies saw their turnover decline and the less experienced went bankrupt – the African Union Commission and the Economic Commission of Africa were concerned with supporting the economy and above all to prepare for possible future crises in the continent have decided to bring with the support of the African Development Bank and the World Bank two main donors and advisors the program “AFRICAN LEADERS OF TOMORROW”

“Mansah-Africa was not initially intended to become ‘the biggest or the best’. The goal was simply to inspire more ambitious young people to challenge the status quo within the entrepreneurial ecosystem,” explains Makhtar Diop. Most young people were more interested in joining big companies than starting their own businesses. Mansah-Africa wanted to change that.

Read the whole Mansah.Africa story to learn more!

Read Our Story

Vision, Mission & Values


Mansah Africa is the bridge between the African and the Nordic youth who collaboratively build a sustainable future together.


We facilitate the collaboration between Africa and the Nordics by focusing on Education, Entrepreneurship, and Entertainment. We connect, inspire, and empower young people in all African and Nordic countries to work together, lead the change, and create transformation.

Our Common Values

Our values are based on the shared Nordic values that are not exclusive to the Nordics.
These are global values translated into one functioning model that allows
teamwork, trust, equality for global welfare and sustainable development.

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We learn from each other, and we work together towards a sustainable future. Alone we are fast, together we go far.


Leading the Change

We are proactive and we want young people to be in charge and lead the change towards a sustainable future.


Learning by Doing

We are passionate learners. We believe it is important to learn things and gain experience through active doing, not just thinking.



We are transparent in our decisions and actions. Clear communication and decision-making processes are key for us

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We are trustworthy and we trust each other. We have a united vision and we understand that only together can we achieve change.



We value honesty, communication, and we cherish inclusiveness.

Our approach

We bring together young people, students, entrepreneurs, professionals, experts, industry leaders, governments, and authorities.

We connect and empower young people in order to collaborate.

Our aim is to promote an entrepreneurial mindset, connect people, and create an unstoppable stream of actions towards the transformation we want to see in the world.

mindset. connection. Action. Transformation


“Being part of Mansah.Africa introduced me to using Dealroom. I have learned how to connect and organize online events both small and big. I have also made connections with people I have never physically met. This has taught me more about myself and just how similar we are.”

- Theresia Bilola, Ambitious.Africa Sustainability Coordinator

“I have gained better insight into how people work depending on what roles they play and the different ways people communicate. I've learned how countries differ from each other but also seen the commonalities between them. Through Mansah.Africa, I've received more insight on things than what any news article or course in school could provide.”

- Alexander Gröning, Head of Global Partnerships at Mansah.Africa


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“Interacting with different people from various cultures has been my passion. Mansah.Africa has given me a first-row seat to understand the African market from a business perspective as well as cultural. The opportunity to engage with inspirational individuals has made me addicted to being part of this youth-led movement.”

- Katariina Komulainen, Global Head of Community and Human Resources at Mansah.Africa

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.  email us

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